You won’t believe this photo was taken on one of the cheapest phones of 2020

You won't believe this photo was taken on one of the cheapest phones of 2020

You don’t need a $1,000 phone to win a Pulitzer photography award.

Okay, this photo did not technically win any prize (yet), but it sure is impressive to say the least.
A work of photographer Mihail Minkov, it took more than just whipping your phone out of your pocket and pressing the shutter button. There are two things remarkable about it: first is the device this photo was captured one: the Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro. Priced at just $250, this is one of the cheapest phones money can buy. But secondly, here is the tricky part.

Minkov used a ladder to climb a bit higher and get a good view of this sunflower field. He then took 10 consecutive shots at different exposures to get that beautiful Milky Way looking as stunning as it is. The phone was set to 30 second exposure, ISO 3200, using the main camera of the phone with an aperture of f/1.9. And then, one more shot was captured to get those sunflowers as bright as you see them. All of those shots were then stacked in post, and you have this incredible result.

For us, this image is as impressive as it is motivational: go out and shoot! The weather is beautiful and you can capture such epic nights on even the cheapest phone.

If you like this photo, don’t forget to pay the author a visit on his Instagram page above and drop a like, and if you think you can do even better, share with us in the comments and send us a photo so we get to see it too!

Source: Phonearena

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