Google Maps now provides location and information about California’s wildfires

2020 is the year that keeps on giving, unfortunately, not in a good way. As if the coronavirus pandemic wasn’t enough, now people are facing an even more dangerous adversary: wildfires.

The situation in California is particularly bad as the fires have already burned down thousands of acres of forests and even some buildings. People are being evacuated from their homes all over the states as the fires can advance rapidly.

Obviously, having accurate information about this emergency situation is critical and since Google is the go-to source for many people, the company decided to put the extra effort to give people the most accurate data so they can make informed decisions regarding their safety.

That’s why Google partnered with the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services to provide relevant information to those in danger of the wildfires. When searching in Google for wildfires in your area, you’ll see a result that shows the fires straight in Google Maps as well as relevant news articles and videos about the ongoing disaster.

Google is using infrared satellite imaging to detect the borders of each fire and updates it regularly for maximum accuracy.

If you live in an area that’s affected by the wildfires, this new functionality will help you be better prepared for what’s to come. Do not underestimate the situation, stay informed and stay safe!

Source: Phonearena

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